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The Future Now Association

Raya Tsvetkova

Youth Programs Manager

Member of the Management board of TFN and a passionate youth worker and researcher. She works on topics related to young people and youth workers, with a focus on education, human rights, violence prevention and supporting mental health care.


She’s had a great interest in economics since university, when she found out graphs in economics are more meaningful than intimidating, and knowing more about economics means knowing more about how and why the world around us functions.

Ali Honaramiz

Project Manager

Project manager, youth worker, and researcher for TFN. He has a background in humanitarianism , working in the past in refugee camps in Greece. He is an alumni of the European Youth Parliament (Greece) and was a frequent participant of Model of United Nations.


His passion for economics spawned in college where he studied Economics and a postgraduate degree in Banking and Finance. His main research goal and vision is to educate youth regarding economics as a means of empowering people.

Eleonora Predeva

Game designer

Developer and designer, as well as volunteer youth worker for The Future Now Association. In her professional career, she has worked in marketing, social media development and maintenance, and has been a graphic designer, as well as a host of online shows and livestreams.


She has extensive experience with digital technologies and is extremely skilled in visual and video editing, as well as development of appealing marketing materials. She is the main developer of the educational game CETERIS Paribus and currently also works as an Environmental artist on other games.

Nicholas Hatzis


He has studied English Language and Literature and has been writing his own material for years. This material is usually shared with his friends in pen & paper games, which he has been storytelling in for more than 10 years. He's now very excited to be a part of the TFN team working on Ceteris Paribus.

He is always looking for that new story or idea that can grab onto his mind and not let go until it's all right there on the screen.

 © 2022, All Rights Reserved by the CETERIS Paribus Partnership. The learning materials are published under licence CC BY-NC-SA 3.0

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This project was funded by the European Union's Erasmus+ Programme, Key Action 2: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices, under Grant Agreement No 2021-2-SK02-KA220-YOU-000049311.

The content of this platform represents the views of the authors only and is their sole responsibility. The European Commission does not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information contained on this website.

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